Типы событий — различия между версиями

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(Новая: Ниже приведен список возможных '''типов событий''', которые можно использовать при создании [[bind|тригге...)
(нет различий)

Версия 14:57, 27 октября 2008

Ниже приведен список возможных типов событий, которые можно использовать при создании триггера. Список содержит пример создания триггера, используемый тип и передаваемые при вызове процедуры значения.


bind msg <флаги> <команда> <процедура> имя_процедуры <ник> <идент@хост> <хэндл> <текст> Описание: используется при создании триггера на приватные сообщения. Первое слово сообщения является командой, все остальные слова - передаются в аргументе текст. Модуль: server


bind dcc <флаги> <команда> <процедура> имя_процедуры <хэндл> <idx> <текст> Описание: используется для создания триггеров на сообщения в partyline. Команда - это первое слово сообщения, все остальные слова - передаются в аргументе текст. Idx - это идентификатор подключения пользователя. После отключения пользователя этот идентификатор может быть присвоен другому подключения, так что не рекомендуется использовать idx для уникальной идентификации. Модуль: core


bind] fil <флаги> <команда> <процедура> имя_процедуры <хэндл> <idx> <текст> Описание: аналогичен типу DCC, но срабатывает когда пользователь находится в файловой зоне, а не в partyline Модуль: filesys


bind pub <флаги> <команда> <процедура> имя_процедуры <ник> <идент@хост> <хэндл> <канал> <текст> Описание: используется для создания триггера при сообщениях в канале. Первое слово является командой, все остальные - передаются в аргументе текст. Модуль: irc


       bind msgm <flags> <mask> <proc>
        procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <text>
        Description: matches the entire line of text from a /msg with the
          mask. This is useful for binding Tcl procs to words or phrases

| spoken anywhere within a line of text. If the proc returns 1, | Eggdrop will not log the message that triggered this bind. | MSGM binds are processed before MSG binds. If the exclusive-binds | setting is enabled, MSG binds will not be trigged by text that | a MSGM bind has already handled.

        Module: server

PUBM (stackable)

        bind pubm <flags> <mask> <proc>
        procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel> <text>
        Description: just like MSGM, except it's triggered by things said
          on a channel instead of things /msg'd to the bot. The mask is
          matched against the channel name followed by the text and can

| contain wildcards. If the proc returns 1, Eggdrop will not log | the message that triggered this bind. PUBM binds are processed | before PUB binds. If the exclusive-binds setting is enabled, | PUB binds will not be trigged by text that a PUBM bind has | already handled.

        Module: irc

NOTC (stackable)

        bind notc <flags> <mask> <proc>
        procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <text> <dest>
        Description: dest will be a nickname (the bot's nickname,
          obviously) or a channel name. mask is matched against the entire
          notice and can contain wildcards. It is considered a breach of
          protocol to respond to a /notice on IRC, so this is intended for
          internal use (logging, etc.) only. Note that server notices do

| not trigger the NOTC bind. If the proc returns 1, Eggdrop will | not log the message that triggered this bind.

          New Tcl procs should be declared as
            proc notcproc {nick uhost hand text {dest ""}} {
              global botnick; if {$dest == ""} {set dest $botnick}
          for compatibility.
        Module: server

JOIN (stackable)

        bind join <flags> <mask> <proc>
        procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel>
        Description: triggered by someone joining the channel. The mask in
          the bind is matched against "#channel nick!user@host" and can
          contain wildcards.
        Module: irc

PART (stackable)

        bind part <flags> <mask> <proc>
        procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel> <msg>
        Description: triggered by someone leaving the channel. The mask is
          matched against "#channel nick!user@host" and can contain
          wildcards. If no part message is specified, msg will be set
          to "".
          New Tcl procs should be declared as
            proc partproc {nick uhost hand chan {msg ""}} { ... }
          for compatibility.
        Module: irc

SIGN (stackable)

        bind sign <flags> <mask> <proc>
        procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel> <reason>
        Description: triggered by a signoff, or possibly by someone who got
          netsplit and never returned. The signoff message is the last
          argument to the proc. Wildcards can be used in the mask, which is
          matched against '#channel nick!user@host'.
        Module: irc

TOPC (stackable)

        bind topc <flags> <mask> <proc>
        procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel> <topic>
        Description: triggered by a topic change. mask can contain wildcards
          and is matched against '#channel <new topic>'.
        Module: irc

KICK (stackable)

        bind kick <flags> <mask> <proc>
        procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel> <target> <reason>
        Description: triggered when someone is kicked off the channel. The
          mask is matched against '#channel target reason' where the target is
          the nickname of the person who got kicked (can contain wildcards).
          The proc is called with the nick, user@host, and handle of the
          kicker, plus the channel, the nickname of the person who was
          kicked, and the reason.
        Module: irc

NICK (stackable)

        bind nick <flags> <mask> <proc>
        procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel> <newnick>
        Description: triggered when someone changes nicknames. The mask
          is matched against '#channel newnick' and can contain wildcards.
          Channel is "*" if the user isn't on a channel (usually the bot not
          yet in a channel).
        Module: irc

MODE (stackable)

        bind mode <flags> <mask> <proc>
        proc-name <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel> <mode-change> <target>
        Description: mode changes are broken down into their component
          parts before being sent here, so the <mode-change> will always
          be a single mode, such as "+m" or "-o". target will show the
          argument of the mode change (for o/v/b/e/I) or "" if the set
          mode does not take an argument. The bot's automatic response
          to a mode change will happen AFTER all matching Tcl procs are
          called. The mask will be matched against '#channel +/-modes'
          and can contain wildcards.
          If it is a server mode, nick will be "", user@host is the server
          name, and handle is *.
          Note that "target" was added in 1.3.17 and that this will break
          Tcl scripts that were written for pre-1.3.17 Eggdrop that use the
          mode binding. Also, due to a typo, mode binds were broken
          completely in 1.3.17 but were fixed in 1.3.18. Mode bindings are
          not triggered at all in 1.3.17.
          One easy example (from guppy) of how to support the "target"
          parameter in 1.3.18 and later and still remain compatible with
          older Eggdrop versions is:
          Old script looks as follows:
            bind mode - * mode_proc
            proc mode_proc {nick uhost hand chan mode} { ... }
          To make it work with 1.3.18+ and stay compatible with older bots, do:
            bind mode - * mode_proc_fix
            proc mode_proc_fix {nick uhost hand chan mode {target ""}} {
              if {$target != ""} {append mode " $target"}
              mode_proc $nick $uhost $hand $chan $mode
            proc mode_proc {nick uhost hand chan mode} { ... }
        Module: irc

CTCP (stackable)

        bind ctcp <flags> <keyword> <proc>
        proc-name <nick> <user@host> <handle> <dest> <keyword> <text>
        Description: dest will be a nickname (the bot's nickname, obviously)
          or channel name. keyword is the ctcp command (which can contain
          wildcards), and text may be empty. If the proc returns 0, the bot
          will attempt its own processing of the ctcp command.
        Module: server

CTCR (stackable)

        bind ctcr <flags> <keyword> <proc>
        proc-name <nick> <user@host> <handle> <dest> <keyword> <text>
        Description: just like ctcp, but this is triggered for a ctcp-reply
          (ctcp embedded in a notice instead of a privmsg)
        Module: server

RAW (stackable)

        bind raw <flags> <keyword> <proc>
        procname <from> <keyword> <text>
        Description: previous versions of Eggdrop required a special compile
          option to enable this binding, but it's now standard. The keyword
          is either a numeric, like "368", or a keyword, such as "PRIVMSG".
          from will be the server name or the source user (depending on
          the keyword); flags are ignored. The order of the arguments is
          identical to the order that the IRC server sends to the bot. The
          pre-processing  only splits it apart enough to determine the
          keyword. If the proc returns 1, Eggdrop will not process the line
          any further (this could cause unexpected behavior in some cases).
        Module: server


        bind bot <flags> <command> <proc>
        proc-name <from-bot> <command> <text>
        Description: triggered by a message coming from another bot in
          the botnet. The first word is the command and the rest becomes
          the text argument; flags are ignored.
        Module: core

CHON (stackable)

        bind chon <flags> <mask> <proc>
        proc-name <handle> <idx>
        Description: when someone first enters the party-line area of the
          bot via dcc chat or telnet, this is triggered before they are
          connected to a chat channel (so, yes, you can change the channel
          in a 'chon' proc). mask is matched against the handle and supports
          wildcards. This is NOT triggered when someone returns from the
          file area, etc.
        Module: core

CHOF (stackable)

        bind chof <flags> <mask> <proc>
        proc-name <handle> <idx>
        Description: triggered when someone leaves the party line to
          disconnect from the bot. mask is matched against the handle and
          can contain wildcards. Note that the connection may have already
          been dropped by the user, so don't send output to the idx.
        Module: core

SENT (stackable)

        bind sent <flags> <mask> <proc>
        proc-name <handle> <nick> <path/to/file>
        Description: after a user has successfully downloaded a file from
          the bot, this binding is triggered. mask is matched against the
          handle of the user that initiated the transfer and supports
          wildcards. nick is the actual recipient (on IRC) of the file. The
          path is relative to the dcc directory (unless the file transfer
          was started by a script call to 'dccsend', in which case the path
          is the exact path given in the call to 'dccsend').
        Module: transfer

RCVD (stackable)

        bind rcvd <flags> <mask> <proc>
        proc-name <handle> <nick> <path/to/file>
        Description: triggered after a user uploads a file successfully.
          mask is matched against the user's handle. nick is the IRC
          nickname that the file transfer originated from. The path is
          where the file ended up, relative to the dcc directory (usually
          this is your incoming dir).
        Module: transfer

CHAT (stackable)

        bind chat <flags> <mask> <proc>
        proc-name <handle> <channel#> <text>
        Description: when a user says something on the botnet, it invokes
          this binding. Flags are ignored; handle could be a user on this
          bot ("DronePup") or on another bot ("Eden@Wilde") and therefore
          you can't rely on a local user record. The mask is checked against
          the entire line of text and supports wildcards.
          NOTE: If a BOT says something on the botnet, the BCST bind is
          invoked instead.
        Module: core

LINK (stackable)

        bind link <flags> <mask> <proc>
        proc-name <botname> <via>
        Description: triggered when a bot links into the botnet. botname
          is the botnetnick of the bot that just linked in; via is the bot
          it linked through. The mask is checked against the botnetnick of
          the bot that linked and supports wildcards. flags are ignored.
        Module: core

DISC (stackable)

        bind disc <flags> <mask> <proc>
        proc-name <botname>
        Description: triggered when a bot disconnects from the botnet for
          whatever reason. Just like the link bind, flags are ignored; mask
          is matched against the botnetnick of the bot that unlinked.
          Wildcards are supported in mask.
        Module: core

SPLT (stackable)

        bind splt <flags> <mask> <proc>
        procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel>
        Description: triggered when someone gets netsplit on the channel.
          Be aware that this may be a false alarm (it's easy to fake a
          netsplit signoff message on some networks); mask may contain
          wildcards and is matched against '#channel nick!user@host'.
          Anyone who is SPLT will trigger a REJN or SIGN within the next
          wait-split (defined in the config file) minutes.
        Module: irc

REJN (stackable)

        bind rejn <flags> <mask> <proc>
        procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel>
        Description: someone who was split has rejoined. mask can contain
          wildcards, and is matched against '#channel nick!user@host'.
        Module: irc

FILT (stackable)

        bind filt <flags> <mask> <proc>
        procname <idx> <text>
        Description: party line and file system users have their text sent
          through filt before being processed. If the proc returns a blank
          string, the text is considered parsed. Otherwise, the bot will use
          the text returned from the proc and continue parsing that
        Module: core

NEED (stackable)

        bind need <flags> <mask> <proc>
        procname <channel> <type>
        Description: this bind is triggered on certain events, like when
          the bot needs operator status or the key for a channel. The
          types are: op, unban, invite, limit, and key; the mask is
          matched against '#channel type' and can contain wildcards. flags
          are ignored.
            bind need - "% op" needop < handles only need op
            bind need - "*" needall   < handles all needs
        Module: irc

FLUD (stackable)

        bind flud <flags> <type> <proc>
        procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <type> <channel>
        Description: any floods detected through the flood control settings
          (like 'flood-ctcp') are sent here before processing. If the proc
          returns 1, no further action is taken on the flood; if the proc
          returns 0, the bot will do its normal "punishment" for the flood.
          The flood types are: pub, msg, join, or ctcp (and can be masked to
          "*" for the bind); flags are ignored.
        Module: server

NOTE (stackable)

| bind note <flags> <mask> <proc> | procname <from> <to> <text> | | Description: incoming notes (either from the party line, someone on | IRC, or someone on another bot on the botnet) are checked against | these binds before being processed. The mask is matched against | the receiving handle and supports wildcards. If the proc returns 1, | Eggdrop will not process the note any further. Flags are ignored. | Module: core

ACT (stackable)

        bind act <flags> <mask> <proc>
        proc-name <handle> <channel#> <action>
        Description: when someone does an action on the botnet, it invokes
          this binding. flags are ignored; the mask is matched against the
          text of the action and can support wildcards.
        Module: core

WALL (stackable)

       bind wall <flags> <mask> <proc>
       proc-name <from> <msg>
       Description: when the bot receives a wallops, it invokes this
         binding. flags are ignored; the mask is matched against the text
         of the wallops msg. Note that RFC shows the server name as a source
         of the message, whereas many IRCds send the nick!user@host of the
         actual sender, thus, Eggdrop will not parse it at all, but simply

| pass it to bind in its original form. If the proc returns 1, | Eggdrop will not log the message that triggered this bind.

       Module: server

BCST (stackable)

        bind bcst <flags> <mask> <proc>
        proc-name <botname> <channel#> <text>

        Description: when a bot broadcasts something on the botnet (see
          'dccbroadcast' above), it invokes this binding. flags are ignored;
          the mask is matched against the message text and can contain
          wildcards. 'channel' argument will always be '-1' since broadcasts
          are not directed to any partyline channel.

          It is also invoked when a BOT (not a person, as with the CHAT bind)
          'says' something on a channel. In this case, the 'channel' argument
          will be a valid channel, and not '-1'.
        Module: core

CHJN (stackable)

        bind chjn <flags> <mask> <proc>
        proc-name <botname> <handle> <channel#> <flag> <idx> <user@host>
        Description: when someone joins a botnet channel, it invokes this
          binding. The mask is matched against the channel and can contain
          wildcards. flag is one of: * (owner), + (master), @ (op), or %
          (botnet master). Flags are ignored.
        Module: core

CHPT (stackable)

        bind chpt <flags> <mask> <proc>
        proc-name <botname> <handle> <idx> <channel#>
        Description: when someone parts a botnet channel, it invokes this
          binding. The mask is matched against the channel and can contain
          wildcards. Flags are ignored.
        Module: core

TIME (stackable)

        bind time <flags> <mask> <proc>
        proc-name <minute> <hour> <day> <month> <year>
        Description: allows you to schedule procedure calls at certain
          times. mask matches 5 space separated integers of the form:
          "minute hour day month year". minute, hour, day, month have a
          zero padding so they are exactly two characters long; year is
          four characters. Flags are ignored.
        Module: core

AWAY (stackable)

        bind away <flags> <mask> <proc>
        proc-name <botname> <idx> <text>
        Description: triggers when a user goes away or comes back on the
          botnet. text is the reason than has been specified (text is ""
          when returning). mask is matched against the botnet-nick of the
          bot the user is connected to and supports wildcards. flags are
        Module: core

LOAD (stackable)

        bind load <flags> <mask> <proc>
        proc-name <module>
        Description: triggers when a module is loaded. mask is matched
          against the name of the loaded module and supports wildcards;
          flags are ignored.
        Module: core

UNLD (stackable)

        bind unld <flags> <mask> <proc>
        proc-name <module>
        Description: triggers when a module is unloaded. mask is matched
          against the name of the unloaded module and supports wildcards;
          flags are ignored.
        Module: core

NKCH (stackable)

        bind nkch <flags> <mask> <proc>
        proc-name <oldhandle> <newhandle>
        Description: triggered whenever a local user's handle is changed
          (in the userfile). mask is matched against the user's old handle
          and can contain wildcards; flags are ignored.
        Module: core

EVNT (stackable)

        bind evnt <flags> <type> <proc>
        proc-name <type>
        Description: triggered whenever one of these events happen. flags
          are ignored; valid events are:
            sighup          - called on a kill -HUP <pid>
            sigterm         - called on a kill -TERM <pid>
            sigill          - called on a kill -ILL <pid>
            sigquit         - called on a kill -QUIT <pid>
            save            - called when the userfile is saved
            rehash          - called just after a rehash
            prerehash       - called just before a rehash
            prerestart      - called just before a restart
            logfile         - called when the logs are switched daily
            loaded          - called when the bot is done loading
            userfile-loaded - called after userfile has been loaded
            connect-server    - called just before we connect to an IRC server
            init-server       - called when we actually get on our IRC server
            disconnect-server - called when we disconnect from our IRC server
        Module: core

LOST (stackable)

        bind lost <flags> <mask> <proc>
        proc-name <handle> <nick> <path> <bytes-transferred> <length-of-file>
        Description: triggered when a DCC SEND transfer gets lost, such as
          when the connection is terminated before all data was successfully
          sent/received. This is typically caused by a user abort.
        Module: transfer

TOUT (stackable)

        bind tout <flags> <mask> <proc>
        proc-name <handle> <nick> <path> <bytes-transferred> <length-of-file>
        Description: triggered when a DCC SEND transfer times out. This may
          either happen because the dcc connection was not accepted or
          because the data transfer stalled for some reason.
        Module: transfer